RELATIVE PRIMES in GMAT Properties of Numbers

WTF are Relative Primes in GMAT Properties of Numbers? Learn more here…

This is a slightly different approach from a normal video for me.

This isn’t actually the solution to an Official Question as I normally do. This discusses a particular topic within Properties: Relative Primes.

In a technical sense, the term “Relative Primes” means two numbers that share no divisor except for 1.

That said, most of the time, for GMAT purposes, we will be asked about some other particular relationship among relative primes. One thing that is hugely important to note is that any two consecutives MUST ALWAYS BE RELATIVE PRIMES.

Keep this in mind and you’ll be fine for GMAT Properties of Numbers Relative Primes questions.

gmat properties of numbers
These are numbers. They have properties. 216 and 214 are Relative Primes to 215. Yeah.

Any questions? Talk to London GMAT Tutor Rowan Hand right here: