GMAT Sentence Correction

Advanced GMAT Sentence Correction Secrets for GMAT Verbal

Advanced GMAT Sentence Correction Secrets IS IT WRITTEN ON THE PAGE? Much of the work of GMAT Sentence Correction or…

3 years ago

although she was considered among her contemporaries to be the better poet — EXPLAINED — Possessive Antecedent in GMAT Sentence Correction

Is it even possible to use Possessive Antecedent on the GMAT? This is an interesting topic that recently came up…

3 years ago

Amounts of Money: Singular or Plural in GMAT Sentence Correction?

Are amounts of money singular or plural in GMAT Sentence Correction? Short answer: BOTH. Seems like this might be tricky,…

3 years ago

Don’t use ABSOLUTES in GMAT Verbal Answers (CR and RC)

Unless you are specifically told that something is the "best," the "worst," the "only," etc. you can be sure that…

3 years ago

“different from” in GMAT Sentence Correction Questions

GMAT Sentence Correction idioms are a pain, I know. Most of the time, they aren't even consistent, so I don't…

4 years ago