although she was considered among her contemporaries to be the better poet — EXPLAINED — Possessive Antecedent in GMAT Sentence Correction

Is it even possible to use Possessive Antecedent on the GMAT? This is an interesting topic that recently came up on Reddit. So… can you use a possessive antecedent on GMAT? Short answer: YES, but try doing it sparingly. It’s not good writing or good practice. By the way, if you don’t know what a … Read More

Amounts of Money: Singular or Plural in GMAT Sentence Correction?

Are amounts of money singular or plural in GMAT Sentence Correction? Short answer: BOTH. Seems like this might be tricky, but it actually won’t matter and depends on context. That is, do you say “two-hundred dollars IS on the table” or “two-hundred dollars ARE on the table?” It will really depend whether you want to … Read More

Don’t use ABSOLUTES in GMAT Verbal Answers (CR and RC)

Unless you are specifically told that something is the “best,” the “worst,” the “only,” etc. you can be sure that the absolute statement is incorrect on GMAT Verbal. This is a really quite important point. You’ve probably heard of answer choices being “too strong,” but what the hell does that mean? It’s almost certain that … Read More