GMAT Probability Question SOLVED: An Exception to the “At Least” Rule?

A GMAT Probability Question Fully Solved: An Exception to the “At Least” Rule? It’s difficult to say that there’s really an exception–after all, you can do any Probability question multiple ways, forward, backward, or even sideways. The question is just which of these ways will be most effective in the given situation. What is the … Read More

Collapsing Probabilities in GMAT Probability

Collapsing Probabilities in GMAT Probability Unsurprisingly, there’s more than one way to look at this phenomenon. Let’s take a look at this straightforward case… Bag 1 contains forty marbles numbered consecutively from 11 to 50. Bag 2 contains fifty marbles numbered consecutively from 41 to 90. If one marble is selected from each bag, what … Read More

GMAT Probability: Number of Distributions x Probability per Distribution

GMAT Probability and Number of Distributions x Probability per Distribution The Independent Probability Case for GMAT Probability Now, let’s go back to the example from the previous page, which we can rephrase as this:If a coin is flipped five times, what is the Probability that it will land on Heads only once?That gives us a … Read More

“At Least” Problems in GMAT Probability

“At Least” Problems in GMAT Probability Hey, remember how all the Probabilities have to be fractions less than one? I mean, after all, it’s reasonably rare for there to be a greater than 100% chance that something will happen. The other thing to bear in mind is that a full Probability–anything that is forgone conclusion–is … Read More